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Q. The resolution of a DAC depends on the number of bits used in the conversion
process—the more bits the greater the resolution. Typical DAC have resolutions of
8, 10 or 12 bits

Q. Which computer bus is used to specify memory locations:
(a) address bus
(b) control bus
(c) data bus.

Q.A NAND gate with its output inverted has the same logical function as:
(a) an OR gate
(b) a NOR gate
(c) an AND gate.

Q.A NOR gate with its output inverted has the same logical function as:
(a) an OR gate
(b) a NOR gate
(c) an AND gate.

Q.A NOR gate with its input inverted has the same logical function as:
(a) an OR gate
(b) a NOR gate
(c) an AND gate.

Q. when the two inputs to an AND gate are inverted the resulting is
-----NOR gate

Q. when the two inputs to an OR gate are inverted the resulting is
-----NAND gate

Q. Accuracy in amplifier is used to
1.Give output at required level.
2.Compensate for temperature variation.
3.Make output between 0.5V

Q.A multiplexer in test equipment could be used for
1.Frequency divider

Q. Which device is used to convert BCD into separate supplies for a seven segment digital display?

Q. Supply borne noise can be eliminated by means of:
(a) a low-pass filter
(b) a high-pass filter
(c) a band-pass filter.

Q. ACARS signals are transmitted at:
(a) HF in the range 11 MHz to 14 MHz
(b) VHF in the range 118 MHz to 136 MHz
(c) UHF in the range 405 MHz to 420 MHz.

Q. In a static memory circuit:
(a) the memory is retained indefinitely
(b) the memory is lost as soon as power is removed
(c) the memory needs to be refreshed constantly, even when power is on.

Q. Option selectable software (OSS) can be found in

Q. Which one of the following devices is most susceptible to damage from stray static charges:
(a) VLSI microprocessor/MOSFET transistor
(b) Bi-polar junction transistor
(c) SCR

Q. which of the following gives the order pf precedence of VHDL operators(highest first)
1.Logical; Relational; shift
2. Relational; Logical; shift
3. Shift; Relational; shift

Q. which of the value gives the range of Unsigned byte?
1. 0 to 255
2. −128 to +127
3. 0 to 65,535

Q.The potential at the gird of a CRT is:
(a) the same as the cathode
(b) negative with respect to the cathode
(c) positive with respect to the cathode.

Q.The three beams in a colour CRT are associated with the colours:
(a) red, yellow and blue
(b) red, green and blue
(c) green, blue and yellow.

Q. The main advantage of using a serial bus in an aircraft is:
(a) there is no need for data conversion
(b) it supports the highest possible data rates
(c) reduction in the size and weight of cabling.

Q. user modifiable software(UMS) can be modified by whom?
1.Aircraft operator
2.Design organisation
4.Any of the above

Q.OSS (option selectable software) can be modified by whom?
1.Aircraft operator
2.Design organisation
4.Any of the above

Q. Logic gates will only produce a logic 1 output when all inputs are simultaneously at logic 0?
1.NAND 2.NOR 3.X-NOR 4. OR

Q. The logical function of a combinational logic circuit can be described by a
1.Truth table
2.Boolean algebra
3.Both 1 & 2

Q. The aircraft integrated data system (AIDS) collects and records operational data to permit detailed analysis of
1.aircraft performance
2.maintenance requirements
3.Both 1 & 2

Q. B777 incorporates
1.Honeywell AIMS

Q. The basic analogue to digital converter (ADC) has
-- a single analogue input and a number of digital outputs

Q. In plan mode, deviation from true north displayed on
1.Upper part of EHSI
2.Middle part of ESHI
3.Lower part of EHSI

Q. The required parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel data conversion is carried out by
a bus interface using self-clocking

Q. Grounding and bonding resistances of less than
---0.001 OHM to 0.003 OHM are usually required.

Q. The functions or capabilities of BITE include the following:
1.real-time, critical monitoring
2.module and/or subassembly failure isolation
3.go/no-go alarms
4. All the above

Q. convert 65535 into hexadecimal
1.FFFF  2. FADF   3. FDFF

Q. When compared with an LCD, a CRT display offers the advantage that:
(a) the resolution and focus is better
(b) it can be viewed over a large angle
(c) it uses low voltages and is more energy

Q.A method used in modern aircraft for reporting in-flight faults to an engineering and monitoring ground station is:
(c) GPS.

Q. ARINC 429 can connect number of receiver in single bus
1.20 Receivers

Q. ARINC 629 can connect number of receiver
1.20 Receivers

Q. ARINC 429 data word range (it has 32 bits)
1. five Primary field
2.four field
3.Primary field

Q.A software Configuration Management Plan (CMP) must be created and maintained by:
(a) the CAA or FAA
(b) the aircraft operator
(c) the relevant DO.

Q. When compared with TTL devices, CMOS logic devices use:
(a) less power and have lower noise immunity
(b) more power and have lower noise immunity
(c) less power and have higher noise immunity.

Q. A typical characteristic of CMOS is
1.High power dissipation
2.High voltage handling
3.Low power dissipation.

Q. Where does the clock signals in microprocessor comes from?
3.Control unit.

Q. In a data bus, a control bus only-

Q. Static pressure is fed:
(a) airspeed indicator
(b) vertical speed indicator
(c) altimeter
(d) All the above

Q. The noise margin for standard TTL devices is:
(a) 400 mV
(b) 800 mV
(c) 2 V.

Q.  It is which type of optical fibre—Step monomode fibre

Q. The main advantage of using a serial bus over parallel bus in an aircraft is:
(a) there is no need for data conversion
(b) it supports the highest possible data rates
(c) reduction in the size and weight of cabling.

Q. Mode of ACARS in which pilot initiates the message
1.Air mode 2. Demand mode 3. Polled mode

Q. Mode of ACARS in which system interrogated by ground facility
1.Air mode 2. Demand mode 3. Polled mode

Q. Which of the materials listed is negative on the triboelectric scale?
(a) glass
(b) silk
(c) polyester

Q. EMI can be reduced by means of:
(a) Suppress interference at source
(b) Reduce noise coupling
(c) Increasing susceptibility thresholds
(d)All the above

26.Mask programmable ROM done by

Q. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is
-- the property of an electrical or electronic product (in terms of its immunity to the effects of EMI generated by other equipment and its susceptibility to the generation and radiation of its own EMI)

Q.GPS uses:
(a) 12 satellites in three orbital planes
(b) 24 satellites in six orbital planes
(c) 48 satellites in 12 orbital planes.

Q. Level A SOFTWARE classification---
----Catastrophic failure

Q.Advantage of LCD (AMLCD) over CRT?
1.Low power requirement
2.Low volume(size)
3.Less weight
4.All the above

Q. Opcode in computer system
1.Decimal code
3.binary code
4.set of instruction.

Q. If more bits are used in digital to analogue converter its resolution?

Q. Groups of four bits are sometimes referred as

Q. Digital Flight Data Recorders (FDR) uses
1.ARINC 561
2.ARINC 573
3.ARINC 629

Q. Once an ARINC 629 LRU has transmitted a message it will wait how long before transmitting message?
1.Unitil the end of synchronization
2.until the start of terminal gap
3.until the end of the transmit Interval

Q. In ARINC 629, Aperiodic mode is used?
1.For landing & approach operation
2.For normal operation
3.For database load.

Q. In ARINC 629, periodic mode is used?
1.For landing & approach operation
2.For normal operation
3.For database load.

Q. What is ARINC 561 used for?
1.To specify LRU Pin-outs
2.To specify radio communication data bus.
3.To specify FDR data bus.
Q. In a basic T-configuration of instruments:
(a) the ADI appears on the left and the ASI appears on the right
(b) the ADI appears on the left and the HSI appears on the right.
(c) the ASI appears on the left and the altimeter appears on the right.

Q. The horizontal situation indicator (HSI) uses information derived from:
(a) the VOR receiver
(b) the pitot-static system
(c) the airspeed indicator.

Q. Secondary heading information is obtained from:
(a) the gyro
(b) the compass
(c) the pitot-static system.

Q. Scan of CRT is done
1.Top to bottom
2. left to right
3.Both 1 & 2

Q. Left & right CRT are interchangeable
1.Electrical Relay-Mechanical.
2.Electronic  Relay-Electro mechanical

Q.Double layer DVD capacity is
1.4.5 gb to 5.5gb
2.8.5gb to 9.5 gb

Q.Magentic tap is used instead of ROM
---Long time storage

Q.Aperiodic noise is:
(a) regular but not continuous
(b) regular and continuous
(c) entirely random in nature

Q. The term ‘artificial horizon’ is sometimes used to describe the indication produced by:
(a) the altimeter
(b) the attitude indicator.
(c) the vertical speed indicator.

Q. Which one of the following ADC types uses a large number of comparators?
(a) ramp type
(b) flash type
(c) successive approximation type.

Q. The process of sampling approximating an analogue signal to a series of discrete levels is referred to as:
(a) interfacing
(b) quantizing
(c) data conversion.

Q. The conversion time of a flash ADC is typically in the range:
(a) 50 ns to 1 μs
(b) 50 μs to 1 ms
(c) 50 ms to 1 s.

Q. The part of a display is lost on the CRT, this could be due to
1.An inoperative symbol generator or control panel
2.An inoperative symbol generator or input sensor
3.Loss of power to the CRT.

Q. What is parity bit for ARINC 429 bus?
1. To check for corruption during transmission of a word
2.To act as a terminal gap in an emergency
3.To delay the signal.

Q. A 12 bit 16 channel encoder will use a multiplexer with?
1.2 Bit series address line
2.3 Bit parallel address line
3.4 Bit parallel address line.

Q. When carrying out airframe bonding checks as a part of a program of HIRF prevention the airframe bonding resistance should be
1.50 milliohm   2. 1 ohms   3. 100 milliohm

Q.The standard for ACARS is defined in:
(a) ARINC 429
(b) ARINC 573
(c) ARINC 724.

Q.The operational FMS database is:
(a) updated once a month
(b) is fed with information on aircraft weight before take off
(c) needs no update information.

Q.On a flight deck EFIS system, if all of the displays were missing information from a
particular source, the most likely cause would be:
(a) the symbol generator and display
(b) the sensor, input bus or display controller
(c) the display controller and symbol generator.

Q. On a flight deck EFIS system, if all of the displays were missing one bit of information, the most likely cause would be:
(a) the symbol generator and display
(b) the sensor, input bus or display controller
(c) the display controller and symbol generator.

Q.The ACARS system uses channels in the:
(a) HF spectrum
(b) VHF spectrum
(c) UHF spectrum.
Q. Fibre optic cables use:
(a) a reflective outer shell
(b) a refractive outer shell
(c) an reflective inners hell.

Q. In order to minimize the effect reflections caused by mismatch present in a bus cable, it should be
(a) keep as short as possible
(b)(Terminated at each end) bus terminators
(c) shielded twisted pair cables.

Q. In an analogue to digital converter, the input voltage
1. can vary continuously with time
2.can have two possibly voltage level
3.can have one fixed voltage level.

Q. A heading reference of 320° in a word label format would be appear as:
(a) 000010011
(b) 011010000
(c) 001000111.

Q. A seven segment LED display has segments a, b, c, d, and g illuminated. The character displayed will be:
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 5.

Q.which Indicates rate of climb or descent?

Q. A character generator ROM is used in conjunction with:
(a) a GPS receiver
(b) a CRT controller
(c) a seven-segment indicator.

Q.The number of individual addresses that can be addressed by a processor that has a 16-bit address bus is:
(a) 16,384
(b) 32,768
(c) 65,536.

Q.The typical wavelength of light in an optical fibre is:
(a) 575 nm
(b) 635 nm
(c) 1300 nm.

Q. Electronic engine control software is an example of:
(a) DFLD
(b) LSAP
(c) OSS.

Q. An advantage of a dual-slope ADC is:
(a) a fast conversion time
(b) an inherent ability to reject noise
(c) the ability to operate without a clock.

Q. In a successive approximation ADC, the time interval between the SC and EOC signals is:
(a) the clock time
(b) the cycle time
(c) the conversion time.

Q. A FDR can obtain information from aircraft instrument
1. Provided there is adequate isolation
2.By direct connection to the instrument
3.Provided there is adequate damping.

Q. Adding invertors to the two input an AND gate makes a?
1.NAND gate
2.OR gate
3.NOR gate

Q.The light source used in fibre optic has
1.Visible light
2. Lower bandwidth than visible light
3. Higher bandwidth than visible light

Q. Testing of CADC can be carried out in
1.In the air
2.ground only
3.air & ground

Q. Logic 1 in MSB is indicated by
1.Priority Encoder

Q. RESET indicates?
1. Input  2. Output         (question incomplete)

Q. Software upgradation
--Is required same approved procedures on hardware upgradation

Q. Switches in series---AND GATE

Q. Angle of attack in EADI
1. In yellow, white & red band
2 in yellow, white & red band to operate the stick shaker

Q. TCAS II requires

Q. Latches & flip-flops are
1.sequential 2. sequence 3. combitional 4.All the above

Q. Flip flop storage
1.1 Bit
2.1 byte
3.1k byte

Q. EFIS system consts of

Q. ESDS class II
1.100 to 1000 volts
2.1001 to 4000 volts
3.1000v 5000 volts

1.Low speed caches memory
2.High speed caches memory
3.Moderate speed caches memory

Q.CPU speed measured in
a) cycle per see
b) cycle per mili second
c) cycle per mirco/nano second.

Q. susceptibility of ESDS increases with
1. Decrease in physical size of electron component.
2. Increases in physical size of electronic component.
3.does not depend on physical size of electronic component.

Q. CPU does the calculation? using single binary digit using double binary digit.
3. codes using multiple binary digit.

Q. Software is
1.Physical entity & cannot be touched
2.A non Physical entity & cannot be touched
3.A peripheral & secondary device.

2.Required level of humidity in ESD Shop

3.The pilot gets an aural warning when the aircraft reaches decision height
1. 50Ft before the predetermined DH
1. 20Ft before the predetermined DH
1. 50Ft before the set DH
1. 20Ft before the set DH

4.which filter is used to reduce the voltage
1.Low pass filter
2.High pass filter
3.Low resistance
4.High resistance

5.which filter is used while converting digital to analogue?
1.Low pass filter
2.High pass filter

6.DFDR has the capability to
1.Decode 2. Encode

Q.DFDR---Convert analogue to digital

Q.Basic instruments to get input from ADS?

7.Capacity of double coated DVD-ROM?

8.What is reaction time in fibre optics
1.Time taken to produce a light signal once the source device has received electrical signal.
2.Time taken to produce a electrical signal once the source device has received the light signal.
the light signal.
3.Vice versa.

9.Critical angle (fibre optics) definition

10. In fibre optics__________interference_____susceptibility
1.Less, Less 2.High,High 3.Less,High 4.High less

12.Extra voltage produced due to

12.How heading 320deg is independent in 429

13.Convert 23.6 to binary?

14.Convert 9F2 to binary?

15.Bistable device has how many stable states?
1.2 states 0 & 1

Q. component damage easily due to static electricity are?
---Static sensitive device

Q.Most sensitive device to electrostatic discharge
----Electrostatic sensitive devices

Q. Devices that are more prone to damage tend to those are based on the use of
1.Field effect technology  2.Magnetic tape  3. Rectifier

Q. what has pronounced effect on static system?
----Dry weather

Q. ESDS soldering iron use
---Low voltage antistatic with grounding of bits.

Q.ESDS—Ground to low strength wire

Q.ESDS highest protection---Conductive materials

Q.ESDS---Dry air

Q.which device is affected much by ESDS?

Q. Rectifier---Cathode

Q. which control the function of deflecting electron beam?
1.cathode 2.anode 3.hotizontal plate 4.all


Q.RAM-Loss of DC power results in loss of data

Q.ROM & EPROM---Non-volatile, can only be read but not write

Q. Disagreement between FMS & Weather radar, then error displayed on
3.Both 1 & 2

Q.MOS resistance =  ohm

Q.ROM-Memory remains intact when power disconnected.

Q. Ray entering from the edges with
1.Take longer path travel faster
1.Take short path travel slow
1.Take longer path travel slow
1.Take short path travel faster

Q. Type of communication used to send message ground from aircraft?

Q.In electronic control unit, voltage regulation regulate

Q.SCR known as ----Thyristor

Q. Components of computer
---CPU,RAM & I/O

Q. In a microprocessor data can be expressed using?

Q. In a transistor
--Collector base is reversed biased.

Q. IC are made of---Silicon

Q.LED used as ---Power indicator

Q. Disadvantage of LED?
---Low reverse current

Q. convert 472 octal in binary?

Q. Logical function of a combined logic circuit can be described by
1.Truth table   2.Boolean algebra 3.Bot 1 &2

Q . Cache memory---DRAM

16.Optical fibre 1. Robust 2 . Reliable 3.Less weight 4.All

Q. which one is the advantage of optical fibre ?
---Single wire can handle 100 connectors

Q. Optical fibre benefit optical fibre can carry data to 100 of wire.
2.reduce weight

Q.Optical connector advantage
3.Low loss
4.All the above

17.Target for option selectable software?

18.RAM doesn’t use tape because
--Slow (Acess time is longer)

Q.RAM-Loss of power—
----Data lost

Q . volatile memory lost when power disconnect



Q.An AND gate is equal to
---Series circuit

21.Anti-static  material

Q. Not readily exchange electron—cotton & steel

1.Can only be programmed by manufactures
2.By user

24.ARINC429 is
1.Bi directional

Q. serial bus buffer---Bi-directional.

Q.ILS deviation---white to amber

Q. when Decision height is reached during ILS approach, what happens in EHSI
---white to amber

Q. DH-----EADI

Q. Convert FFFF into binary?

Q. A group of data sent one after another in
----Serial data

Q. Diode arrow indicate—Hole current.

Q.No. of bit in a byte? ---8

Q. EICAS provide the following information
1.Engine parameter only
2.Engine parameter and system warning
3.Engine parameter and navigational data

Q. Use of MOS
---In voltage regulator

Q. Grounding & bonding can also be minimised by the effects of

Q. Primary purpose of bonding
----Make all structure at same potential

Q. Bonding material---Purpose strap.

Q. static electric discharge to atmosphere by
----static wicks

Q. The fastest data converter?

Q. Smaller function in semiconductor devices are susceptible to damage due to

Q.1011.11 to decimal---11.75

---DRAM must be refreshed periodically.

29.(428)8----( (100111010)2

Q. what are the mode of ECAM---Four display mode( 3 auto, 1 manual)

Q. Parts of EFIS

Q. which bus provide timely & control signal throughout the system?
---Control bus

Q.GPS consist of
--Space, User, control

Q. Logic device that produces a binary O/P

Q. Advantage of different bus in bus system?

Q. Rigidity---All

Q. Gyro---Rigidity & precision

Q. Most commonly IC used are---Monolithic type.

Q. fibre Optic connector has
1.alignemnet key -Plug groove
2.Guided pin & cavities

Q. Wavelength of Infrared light—850nm & visible light---400-800 nm

Q. Covert 10011.1 into decimal.

Q.FMC data can be retrieved from---CDROM

Q. Electrostatic-induction-
---Conduction(charged is developed on a ESD )

Q. MTCS for ESDS damage
1.Rubbing the ESDS Comp. on a grounded material but no physical contact.
2. corrected by ionized atmosphere
3.Touching the ESDS neutral body.

Q. Full form of ECAM

Q. Full form of EICAS

 a) Permanently stored memory.

---Can only be read not write.



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