The SerViCE INTerphone SYStem is a voice communications system on the ground, between the flight crew and the ground service personnel. A communication can
also be made between the attendant stations and the dedicated jacks around or in the aircraft.
The SVCE INTPH SYS is made of:
– eight interphone jacks,
– a SVCE INTerphone OVerRiDe switch, with an integral indicator light located on the maintenance panel in the cockpit,
– five isolation units, If there is a short-circuit condition in a maintenance-interphone jack-socket, the isolation unit will keep the effects of the failure on the service interphone system to a minimum.
The audio lines from the cockpit, cabin and interphone jacks are routed to the amplifiers in both Cabin Intercommunication Data System (CIDS) directors.
The SVCE INTPH SYS is integrated in the CIDS directors. There are 2 modes to connect the jacks to the SVCE INTPH.
The automatic mode:
On ground only, with the landing gear down and compressed. The Landing Gear Control and Interface Units (LGCIUs) send a ground signal to the SVCE INTPH SYS, integrated in the directors.
The manual mode:
The SVCE INT OVRD pushbutton, on the maintenance panel, must be pressed. Then the white ON light comes on. The aircraft is on the ground with no signal from the LGCIUs (e.g: The LGCIUs are not supplied). When the SVCE INT OVRD pushbutton is pressed or when the aircraft is on jacks, a ground signal is sent to the directors.
To establish a speech communication from the cockpit with the SVCE INTPH jacks, the CABin key and knob on any Audio Control Panel (ACP), must be pressed. The audio signals are transmitted to the jacks through the Audio Management Unit (AMU), the SVCE INTPH SYS, integrated in the CIDS directors and the audio lines.
To establish a speech communication from the cabin with the SVCE INTPH jacks, the SVCE key on the cabin attendant handset must be pressed. The message “SERV INT” is displayed on the calling station Attendant Indication Panels (AIPs). On all other AIPs, the steady “SERV INT IN USE” message appears. The audio signals are digitized through the type B Decoder/Encoder Units (DEUs) and transmitted through the middle data bus lines to the directors. After conversion to analog signals, they are transmitted to the jacks through audio lines.
NOTE: When the CAB and INT keys are pressed (respectively on the ACPs in the cockpit and on the handset in the cabin), speech communications can be established between the cockpit, the cabin stations and the jacks.
Credit : Neha SinghThe SerViCE INTerphone SYStem is a voice communications system on the ground, between the flight crew and the ground service personnel. A communication can
also be made between the attendant stations and the dedicated jacks around or in the aircraft.
The SVCE INTPH SYS is made of:
– eight interphone jacks,
– a SVCE INTerphone OVerRiDe switch, with an integral indicator light located on the maintenance panel in the cockpit,
– five isolation units, If there is a short-circuit condition in a maintenance-interphone jack-socket, the isolation unit will keep the effects of the failure on the service interphone system to a minimum.
The audio lines from the cockpit, cabin and interphone jacks are routed to the amplifiers in both Cabin Intercommunication Data System (CIDS) directors.
The SVCE INTPH SYS is integrated in the CIDS directors. There are 2 modes to connect the jacks to the SVCE INTPH.
The automatic mode:
On ground only, with the landing gear down and compressed. The Landing Gear Control and Interface Units (LGCIUs) send a ground signal to the SVCE INTPH SYS, integrated in the directors.
The manual mode:
The SVCE INT OVRD pushbutton, on the maintenance panel, must be pressed. Then the white ON light comes on. The aircraft is on the ground with no signal from the LGCIUs (e.g: The LGCIUs are not supplied). When the SVCE INT OVRD pushbutton is pressed or when the aircraft is on jacks, a ground signal is sent to the directors.
To establish a speech communication from the cockpit with the SVCE INTPH jacks, the CABin key and knob on any Audio Control Panel (ACP), must be pressed. The audio signals are transmitted to the jacks through the Audio Management Unit (AMU), the SVCE INTPH SYS, integrated in the CIDS directors and the audio lines.
To establish a speech communication from the cabin with the SVCE INTPH jacks, the SVCE key on the cabin attendant handset must be pressed. The message “SERV INT” is displayed on the calling station Attendant Indication Panels (AIPs). On all other AIPs, the steady “SERV INT IN USE” message appears. The audio signals are digitized through the type B Decoder/Encoder Units (DEUs) and transmitted through the middle data bus lines to the directors. After conversion to analog signals, they are transmitted to the jacks through audio lines.
NOTE: When the CAB and INT keys are pressed (respectively on the ACPs in the cockpit and on the handset in the cabin), speech communications can be established between the cockpit, the cabin stations and the jacks.
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