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ADIRS (Air Data Inertial Reference System) ADIRU

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ADIRS (Air Data Inertial Reference System)

The Air Data Inertial Reference System (ADIRS) computes the aircraft's position, speed, altitude, attitude, and air data for the displays, flight management guidance system, flight controls, engine controls, and other systems.

There are three identical air data/inertial reference units (ADIRUS) installed in the aircraft.
Each ADIRU combines an air data reference (ADR) system with a laser gyro inertial reference (IR) system in a single unit. The ADR and IR systems in each ADIRU operate independently, meaning failure of one system will not cause a failure of the other.

The ADR provides barometric altitude, airspeed, Mach number, angle of attack, temperature, and overspeed warnings. If either ADR 1 or 2 fails, ADR 3 can be manually selected.
The IR provides attitude, flight path vector, heading, track, acceleration (speed trend), VSI, groundspeed, and aircraft position. The IR provides an inertial position input to the FMGCs for navigation computations. If either IR 1 or 2 fails, IR 3 can be manually selected.

ADIRU 1 and 2 supply their on side systems. ADIRU 3 is a hot spare.

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