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Rudder trim and rudder position

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Rudder trim and rudder position are two different concepts that are important in aircraft control. Rudder trim is a mechanism that is used to maintain coordinated flight without rudder input from the pilot. The rudder position is the physical position of the rudder in relation to the vertical stabilizer. The allowable range for rudder trim and rudder position may differ due to the phenomenon of dilatation in the aircraft's structure and control rods.On the A320 family of aircraft, the rudder control is mechanical, and the link from the rudder pedals to the rudder servo-controls is made of rods, cables, pulleys, and a quadrant. The rudder trim is set to maintain a balanced flight, and it is adjusted by the pilot using a trim wheel or a trim switch. The rudder position is the actual position of the rudder, and it is controlled by the rudder pedals or the autopilot.

During flight, the outside temperature varies, causing the aircraft's structure and control rods to dilate. This phenomenon results in a different rudder to rudder trim ratio when the aircraft is automatically trimmed with the autopilot on. To take this into account, the range of allowable rudder trim value is set to [-1deg RH ; + 2.3deg LH], while the range of allowable rudder position is [-1.5deg RH ; +1.5deg LH]. This means that the physical position of the rudder can move beyond the range of the rudder trim, but it is within the allowable range for safe operation.It is essential to maintain the correct rudder trim to ensure the aircraft's stability and avoid excessive drag caused by the yawing motion. The difference between the rudder and rudder trim value increases during climb, reaches a maximum in cruise, and then decreases again during descent and recovers the ground value. This phenomenon is due to the aircraft's structure and control rods dilating as the temperature changes during flight.
the difference between the allowable range for rudder trim and rudder position is due to the dilatation phenomenon in the aircraft's structure and control rods. Pilots must maintain the correct rudder trim to ensure the aircraft's stability and avoid excessive drag caused by the yawing motion. Understanding the relationship between rudder trim and rudder position is crucial for safe aircraft operation.

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